And unless [God] purposely put a stop to the course of Nature, the great principle of vegetative life will necessarily shape the matter, when duely modified, into all kinde of trees, plants, herbs and flowers: for the inferiour spirit of the world acts not by choice, but fatally; and being essentially stored with an universal Seminality, will not fail to bring her treasure into view when invited by congruous and sequacious dispositions of matter.
Yes; the Athenian coins were marked with the image of an ox or owl; the Ægæans impressed a tortoise upon theirs, they have a tradition that money was first coined in their island : I consider this as doubtful, however.
The most important thing that we have learned is that the shadow of Pōwehi is always there. That means it is real and is caused by the light bending from the black hole. […] The wobble tells us about how gas is flowing around the black hole, varying like clouds in the sky or waves on the ocean. What's next is to use our improved array and make images over years to come and learn from those changes to answer questions like, 'How does Pōwehi feed itself?'
In fact, one obvious project of the MLF […] is to counter the idea that lobster is unusually luxe or unhealthy, suitable only for effete palates or the occasional blow-the-diet treat.