The existence of organised brothels has not eliminated the street and bar prostitution trade in Amsterdam. […] went to an empty table in a far corner where, over some more drink, he explained that this was a bar for 'business boys'.
PORSON, Whose very name conjures up the spirits of ten thousand wits, holding both sides, over a copus of Trinity ale and a classical pun, would not only frequently “steal a few hours from the night,” but see out both lights and liquids, and seem none the worse for the carouse.
So as not to impede navigation the two principal spans of the bridge were designed to provide a clear headway of 157 ft. above high water for a distance of 500 ft.; ….
But the rolling had become chronic. We rolled all day and we rolled all night, we rolled all next morning and most of the afternoon, for though we should easily have been in what passes for the harbor of Hoihow early that second day we—well, it was foggy, to be sure, and Hainan Straits are among the most dangerous in the world.