Flowers, grass, trees, the sun and moon, even the human body, were to him brimming over with song.
Inlanders all, they come from lanes and alleys, streets and avenues--north, east, south, and west.
Let AE and ae be two Lines indefinitely extended each way, along which two moving Things or Points may paſs from afar, and at the ſame time may reach the places A and a, B and b, C and c, D and d, &c. and let B be the Point, by its diſtance from which, the Motion of the moving thing or point in AE is eſtimated; so that — BA, BC, BD, BE, ſucceſſively, may be the flowing Quantities, when the moving thing is in the places A, C, D, E. Likewiſe let b be a like point in the other Line. Then will — BA and — ba be contemporaneous Fluents, as alſo BC and bc, BD and bd, BE and be, &c. […] [T]he contemporaneous parts AB and ab, BC and bc, CD and cd, DE and de are of the ſame length in both caſes. And thus in Equations in which theſe Quantities are repreſented, the contemporaneous parts of Quantities are not therefore changed, notwithſtanding their abſolute magnitude may be increaſed or diminiſhed by ſome given Quantity.
It also, however, contains the potential for negative capability that might help transform genocide into something generative.
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