They no ſooner faſten / With greedineſſe vpon me, but they haſten / To ope their gates wide, then with me by ſtealth / Enter (for alwaies they attend on wealth) / Hawtineſſe, Boaſting, with the mindes destraction, / Effœminacie, and to make vp the faction, / Oppreſſion and Deceit, with th’ intereſt / Of thouſand more; with which the heart poſſeſt, / Is ſuddenly ſubjected and brought under, / To admire toyes which are not worth the wonder, / And covet that which they ought moſt to fly.
' […] why don't you have a beer with me, Howie? It's this new stuff. American Grain, it's called. I never heard of it, but it was on sale so I bought a six-pack. Nothing ventured, nothing grained, am I right?'
'Hardy-har,' he said, wrinkling his nose. Vi's penchant for puns had struck him as cute when he first met her, but it had staled somewhat over the years.
As Abraham was not his subject he could not command him; but as Abraham had sojourneyed in his land, and he was acquainted with the power of Abraham, i. e. God's protection: he was desirous of Abraham's oath, […]
Mr. Renner, take the con!" Jolt meters swung before the acceleration alarms; Renner must have set up the course in advance and slapped the keys the instant he was given control.