I could spend half my evenings, if I wanted, / Holding a glass of washing sherry, canted / Over to catch the drivel of some bitch / Who's read nothing but Which […]
Specialty lumber dealers can cut and sticker a log in the boule, so that boards hold the same relative position they had before milling
“HIEROPHANTIC—expounding mysteries” the note said. “Pernoctation—all night vigil” and “ursicide—one who kills a bear”. The words were scrawled on the paper, which had fallen out of an old wallet. It was a relic of times long ago when in idle moments I foraged through the dictionary and tried to construct sentences using the words that caught my interest. The mysteries of killing bears could very well have been explained to a tyro by a seasoned ursicide during an all-night vigil, perhaps achieved while sitting up a tree. / I turned the paper over and was at once transported into the early 1950s.
Above all, the 48-page timetables of the new service, which have been distributed free at every station in the scheme, are a model to the rest of B.R. For the first time on British Railways, so far as we are aware, a substantial timetable has been produced, not only without a single footnote but also devoid of all wearisome asterisks, stars, letter suffixes and other hieroglyphics.