To this ſpecies of cockle, or ſhirl, belong moſt of thoſe ſubſtances called imperfect aſbeſti; and as the cockle perfectly resembles a flag from an iron furnace, both in regard to its metallic contents, and its glaſſy texture, it is no wonder that it is not ſoft enough to be taken for an aſbeſtus. It has however, only for the ſake of its ſtructure, been ranked among the aſbeſti; and it is ſurpriſing, that the fibrous gypſum, from Andrarum, in the province of Skone, has eſcaped being on the ſame account confounded with them. The ſtriated cockle, or ſhirl, compared to the aſbeſti, is of a ſhining and angular ſurface (though this ſometimes requires the aid of the magnifying-glaſs to be diſcovered) always ſomewhat tranſparent, and is pretty eaſily brought to a glaſs with the blow-pipe, without being conſumed, as the pure aſbeſti ſeem to be.
We were hard-pressed to find anyone who actually skis in these designer duds, but someone's buying the stuff: Hilfiger's ski and boardwear line grosses around $25 million per year […]
A Jamaican Christian came to me for counseling. […] I asked him if he had been charmed as a child by an Obeah. Obeahs are the magicians of the Carribean islands.
I think it is a mistake for our intentions to be determined by the adamance with which the Protestants in Northern Ireland now express their opposition to such a course.