Sensations then, are not perceivings, observings or findings; they are not detectings, scannings or inspectings; they are not apprehendings, cognisings, intuitings or knowings.
Taching was mentioned openly for the first time by the People's Daily of April 20, 1964. Even though the regime has avoided disclosing the location of the oil field, it is believed to be between Harbin and Tsitsihar in the southwest of Heilungkiang province in the far northeast.
Morrison, a MacDonaldite up to October 1931, later resorted to outright fiction in order to present himself as a leading anti-MacDonaldite during the August crisis.
6 more Horses richly furnish’d were led after him, and 2 of his Principal Courtiers bore, one his Gold and the other his Silver Coffée Pot, on a staff.[…]After this they serv’d me coffée upon their knees in the finest Japan china with soûcoupes of Silver Gilt.[…]The whole shew lasted near 8 hours, to my great sorrow, who was heartily tir’d, thô I was in the House of the Widow of the Capitan Bassa (Admiral), who refresh’d me with Coffée, Sweetmeats, Sherbet, etc., with all possible Civillity.