We didn't know anything was fugazi* until we got to a certain place in the South China Sea. A loudspeaker came over the air, This is your captain speaking. Be advised that your destination is Da Nang, Republic of Vietnam.
There was also hairdressing: hairdressing, too, really was hairdressing in those times — no running a comb through it and that was that. It was curled, frizzed, waved, put in curlers overnight, waved with hot tongs;[…].
Herberstein and Martin Cronner assert that the name of Bison is always bestowed on the animal called Zubr or Zumbr by the Poles that the name of Aurochs or Urus is improperly bestowed upon it by the Germans; that these last mentioned names apply solely to the urus or Thur of the Polish nation and they add, that the thur was at that period found only in Massovia, near Warsaw; and they even name the particular villages the inhabitants of which were charged with its conservation. During their days, the thur or wild bull appears to have been kept as a curiosity, as the zubr or modern aurochs is at this day, Anthony Schneebergen designates by the name of Thur a species of wild bull, differing from the domestic breed in few particulars, except its greater size, the uniformly black colour of the males, and the beauty of its coat; its horns were always directed forwards. This last character excludes the identity of the thur and buffalo presumed by Pallas. The forward direction of the horns, the greater size, the similarity of form to that of the domestic bull, all established and described by observers who were at the same time sufficiently familiar with the zubr or modern aurochs, prove it to have been a diiferent animal from that last named.
The newly made-up front page had to be changed as the last-minute news arrived.