It is prepared, according to Dr. Shaw, as follows: take six ounces of copper, melting it in a wind furnace; add to it one ounce of zink: then stirring the whole well together, pour out the metal immediately.
'E's a very clever man, the master - so clever that 'e's clean balmy sometimes. I've seen 'im right off 'is onion, and no error.
If, in accordance with modern view of the phenomenology of religion, we want to look upon Baal as an offsplit of El, we are for several reasons prompted to regard this offsplit, at first hand, …
A terrific energy speaks out in fierce social criticism directed against perjurers, extortioners and unjust, swindling tax-gatherers, bargainers and lovers of simony; against hazarders and dicers, ‘kirk-chatterers’, slanderers and backbiters; against women, with their moods and hypocrisies, their vanity and exaggerated dress with horns on their heads (shared, to speak Elizabethanly, by their husbands), against male dandies, servants who don’t know their due place, toss-pots or ‘ale-sitters’, and lechers with their ‘Janets of the stews’.