Nevertheleſs, as I find that Grotius on this place hath obſerved the Chriſtian emperors, Theodoſius the IId and Juſtinian, men of high wiſdom and reputed piety, decreed it to be a divorcive fornication, if the wife attempted either againſt the knowledge, or obſtinately againſt the will of her huſband, ſuch things as gave open ſuſpicion of adulterizing, as the wilful haunting of feaſts, and invitations with men not of her near kindred, the lying forth of her houſe, without probable cauſe, the frequenting of threatres againſt her huſband's mind, her endeavour to prevent or deſtroy conception.
If the circumstances warrant the use of specific catheter for a patient with additional pathology such as a false passage, BPH or post-TUR and wire-guided placement is preferred, using an IV catheter (angiocath) maintains the structural integrity of the catheter facilitating precise guidance.[ 4 ] A three-way irrigation catheter may be advanced over a wire in cases such as hemorrhagic cystitis, hemorrhagic prostatic urethra, and postinstrumentation.
By contrast, lesbians are sexually sedate. They dont cruise sex clubs. They couple up and stay coupled, and they like cuddling and hugging more than they do serious, genitally-based sex.