But as United saw the game out, little did they know that, having looked likely to win their 13th Premier League title, it was City who turned the table to snatch glory from their arch-rivals' grasp.
Hawkins, Lewis and Hankin are placed in the Diachronic category due to their attempt at a historical perspective, even though that is very patchily executed.
It was all the greater triumph to Miss Nancy Lammeter's beauty that she looked thoroughly bewitching in that costume, as, seated on the pillion behind her tall, erect father, she held one arm round him, and looked down, with open-eyed anxiety, at the treacherous snow-covered pools and puddles, which sent up formidable splashings of mud under the stamp of Dobbin's foot.
About one-seventh of the world’s output of raw silk is produced in the Province of Kwangtung, where the principal districts from the standpoint of value of raw-silk production are Shuntak, Chungshan, Namhoi, Sunwui and Samshui. All the silk business of Kwangtung Province centers in Shuntak (south of Canton, in the Canton delta area).