We have some good cows in this State, but, unfortunately, we have too many duffer cows that are not only being fed and milked at a loss hut are eating up a portion of the profit of the good cow which is being milked alongside them.
I know our theatrical managers, major and minor, are very particular in selecting euphonious titles for their melodramas, especially if on a domestic subject, such as Bennet, the Butcher, Davidge, the Dustman, Harley, the Harper, Vining, the Vintner. Why those very titles alone, by their tickling effect on the ear, would fill the pit and galleries of the Surrey, Victoria, or Adelphi theatres, for twelve consecutive months, if the pieces bearing those euphonious names were immediately produced.
Such hedging is necessitated by the lack of in-depth knowledge of the contents, which also gives free rein to the scripting of unsubstantiated factoids concerning the book.
There is a ſinful concupiſcence, called evil concupiſcence, and the luſting of the fleſh againſt the ſpirit, it is this that is here ſpoken of, the inordinateneſs of that luſt or concupiſcibleneſs, or concupiſcible power, turning aſide out of its natural line to that which is evil: It is this which God forbiddeth in this command, and ſetteth bounds to the deſiring or concupiſcible faculty.