The winning dachshund, Waldmann I., had no opposition.[…]Mr. James Mortimer, Babylon, N., Y., mastiffs, great Danes, bulldogs, bull terriers, fox-terriers, collies, greyhounds, deerhounds, wolfhounds, bloodhounds, English foxhounds and dachshunde.
Cary came in, very gentlemanly, showed me the newspaper picture, and asked me how did it get out? I said, I haven't the fuckingest idea.
Upon the head hee lent so violent a stroke,
That the poore emptie skull, like some thin potsheard broke,
The braines and mingled blood, were spertled on the wall
One phase of Maoist land reconstruction policy for which nobody now has a good word to say is the reclamation of lakes. In Huoqiu county in western Anhui, Chengxi Lake was partly reclaimed, reducing its area by two-thirds and its capacity of 700 million cu m by nine-tenths. As a direct result, the lake could no longer accommodate the flood waters resulting from heavy rain, and flood danger in the whole area was sharply increased.