The marjorum stood in ruddy and fragrant masses; harebells and campanulas of several kinds, that are cultivated in our gardens, with bells large and clear; crimson pinks; the Michaelmas daisy; a plant with a thin, radiated yellow flower, of the character of an aster; a centaurea of a light purple, handsomer than any English one; a thistle in the dryest places, resembling an eryngo, with a thick, bushy top; mulleins, yellow and white; the wild mignonnette, and the white convolvulus; and clematis festooning the bushes, recalled the flowery fields and lanes of England, and yet told us that we were not there.
Two new molded fiber-glass plastic headshields for weldors are reported to offer the user lighter weight comfort with complete head protection from the welding arc and spatter.
Well, then it talks about Senator Durbin and Senator Susan Collins exposing the tax credit, as they termed, that shines and stinks like a mackerel in the moonlight, to quote Time magazine, which would have offset industry costs and a now-ill-fated tobacco deal had brought it to the light of day.