There was mockery of our foolhardy enterprise in the soft whispering sough of the water, as I heard it lapper beneath the ferry-boat that lay ready to cross to the other side.
The somewhat-shattered San Francisco also managed to make it out, although not before she'd come within seconds of being blown out of the water by Helena, as the two had lost contact in the dark and the flagship had loomed back out of the murk with no one and nothing available to answer the light cruiser's challenge - the radio, the whistle, the signal lights, the flags, et cetera, had all been destroyed. Luckily, one of the few surviving signalmen found a small handheld signal light and managed to blink out the ship's hull number.
The first element involves 'zero lifing' the airframe by replacement of some structural elements, including the main landing gear. This extends the operational life before the first major overhaul and extends the time between repair , Filip said.
The atmosphere is established in a truly Kiplingesque manner by the explanation of the first sketch — A Retired Gentleman.