[…] like so many rough pebbles shook long together in a bag, by amicable collisions, they have worn down their asperities and sharp angles, and […] become round and smooth
Within Lololand, of course, no Chinese writ runs, no Chinese magistrate holds sway, and the people, more or less divided among themselves, are under the government of their tribal chiefs.
The way of angels paved with light,
Over the sleeping sheen of sea,
Or lifted from each crested height,
The winds rolled from vastidity,
A differential is a device, usually, but not necessarily, employing gears, which is connected to the outside world by three shafts, through which it transmits torque and rotation. The gears or other components make the three shafts rotate in such a way that a=pb+qc, where a, b, and c are the angular velocities of the three shafts, and p and q are constants. … In automobiles and other wheeled vehicles, a differential allows the driving roadwheels to rotate at different speeds. This is necessary when the vehicle turns, making the wheel that is travelling around the outside of the turning curve roll farther and faster than the other. The engine is connected to the shaft rotating at angular velocity a. The driving wheels are connected to the other two shafts, and p and q are equal.ᵂᴾ