Cohesibility is the tendency which one part of matter evinces to unite with another part of matter, so as to form out of different bodies one common mass.
At that time her chances had been excellent. But then two other people had thrown their hats in the ring, Joan Voller and Sidney Hamilton, and both of them were colleagues on State Executive.
Now know ye, that in compliance with the said proviso, we the said John Cant and John Millar do hereby declare that our said invention of a new method of tanning leather is described in the manner following : that our method of preparing hides and skins by liming, hairing, fleshing, and baiting, is the same as that in use by the most experienced tanners; that is to say: All leather that is to be dressed or curried, we use the operation of what tanners call baiting, for this reason; that the leather when curried should carry a sufficient quantity of oil, and dry a good colour.
Carrying the hot water kettle, Mark follows the footpath through the dark camp to the boma. Surrounded by tall grass the boma is a three-sided structure of sticks and reeds standing at the edge of Marula Puku.