I approve of anything you desire to do, Izzy, said Henchard huskily.
I approve of anything you desire to do, Izzy,
Moreouer the perfit beleue of this article, worketh in all true chriſten people, aloue to continue in this vnitie, and afeare to be caſte out of the ſame, and it worketh in them that be ſinners and repentant, great comforte, and conſolacion, to obteine remiſſion of ſinne, by vertue of Chriſtes paſſion, and adminiſtracion of his ſacramentes at the miniſters handes, ordained for that purpoſe, …
A jealous man confesses his wife under a priest's habit, who tells him that she is visited every night by a friar; […]
, Bk.I, New York 2001, p.136: Our intemperence it is that pulls so many several incurable diseases on our heads, that hastens old age, perverts our temperature, and brings upon us sudden death.
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