I beleeve also, that he proves the fortunate man, whose manner of proceeding meets with the quality of the time; and so likewise he unfortunate from whose course of proceeding the times differ: for we see that men, in the things that induce them to the end, (which every one propounds to himselfe, as glory and riches) proceed therein diversly; some with respects, others more bold, and rashly; one with violence, and th'other with cunning; the one with patience, th'other with its contrary; and every one of severall wayes may attaine thereto; we see also two very respective and wary men, the one come to his purpose, and th'other not; and in like maner two equally prosper, taking divers course; the one being wary the other head-strong; which proceeds from nothing else, but from the quality of the times, which agree, or not, with their proceedings.
She rolled a spiff for us as she spoke, sifting the ganja between her fingers […]
Despite ceding the majority of possession to Van Gaal’s clearly superior side, a defeat facilitated by Mehdi Abeid’s backpass was arguably a little harsh on a Newcastle team who might have had an early penalty before seeing Emmanuel Rivière and Cissé spurn fine counter-attacking chances.
In the New Serial Bus (NSB) plugfest, the FooMonkey device was unable to connect to a NSB controller and therefore did not receive compliance certification.