I guess in many ways I was becoming a Jewish American Princess, also known as a JAP. I thought Jewish men were supposed to totally take care of you. This was not the case with Bob. Oh, I forgot, I’m not Jewish. I was a BAP (translation: a Black American Princess instead of a Jewish American Princess. For any other princesses just put your ethnicity in front and add American Princess. For instance you can be a SAP, Spanish American Princess; a DAP, Dominican American Princess; or even a MAP, Mexican American Princess. Can you imagine being a BAP, SAP, or MAP? Whatever Princess you are, just make sure your Prince is taking care of you.
Costing more than the helicopter it is attached to, this impressive £1 million multi-spectral camera and sensor array picks up a huge range of data above and beyond the high-resolution aerial photography that Sean Leahy and the Network Rail Air Operations team have become known for.
In space plasmas, spacecraft usually encounter mesosonic flows, i.e. flows which are supersonic with respect to the ion thermal speed, but subsonic with respect to the electron thermal speed.
Thus, although opponents of the private bank proposal accused its supporters of undermining the colony's sovereignty, the antibank cohort themselves viewed the provincial government's power as circumscribed.