Donald McWhinnie is unable to resolve these basic difficulties, but with Eric Porter and Irene Worth, excellently backed by the Banquo of Peter Jeffrey, absolutely straight and honest himself yet quickly alert to Macbeth’s deviousness, he gave the audience an enthralling sojourn in the macabre world—at times almost Dostoievskeian—of human greed, fear, crime, remorse and punishment.
The Chinese appropriation of other types of architecture results from all kinds of negotiation. Professor Ning Qiang recently showed me photographs of the city hotel of Tumushuke (Tumxuk), a town just east of Kashgar in China's westernmost, Islamic province, built in an eighteenth-century northern European style found anywhere....
He said, shrugging his shoulders, 'Aiyah, all same, same, lah! PAP Gahmen, they own Singapore, do what they like, so all same, same, I tell you!'
That wealth and splendour have not the charms that you ascribe to them with the bulk of mankind, is evident even from the history of Monachism, one of the corruptions of christianity.