This is confirmed by our results of the investigations relative to the following items: an open resonator with periodic boundaries, conditions to create specific distribution of the modes and the effect of the field crystallization, the use of this effect to create an proficient and coherentized system of neutral atoms traps and to achieve their precise localization; the equilibrium systems which can go, at temperatures below critical ones, into the special state with off-diagonal long-range order (i.e. to the state with macroscopic quantum coherence), phase transition (photons condensation) in the two-level atoms interacting with radiation mode in the resonator, superradiant phase transition, the order-disorder type ferroelectrics in the cavity electromagnetic field, the advantage of the systems capable to self-organization, including the suppression of the temperature influence as the decoherence factor acting on the work states of the qubits (atoms, ferroelectric molecules), and also the coherent character of the direct dipole-dipole interaction between qubits (in the case of ferroelectrics), and other items..
He is also aware that, teamwise, it's not a bad strategy to stay closer to Roger's camp than to Doug and Jamie's, who seem to be getting more enthusiastic about paddling...
The gym is across from the lounge. It is behind the lobby.
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Perhaps we should be thanking La Vie. By producing something entirely too on the nose, they’ve shown green consumerism for the utterly uninspiring vision it presents: not only totally inadequate for stopping climate change, but a modified version of the same crap we’ve been eating for years.