Some right-wing-inclined academics gave 'antigender' talks whose controversial contents are clearly expressed in their titles: 'Gender, jak sie ̨ przed tym […] '
Corley at the first go-off was inclined to suspect it was something to do with Stephen being fired out of his digs for bringing in a bloody tart off the street.
In a widely publicized incident in 1968, residents of Rahoon, a housing estate on the outskirts of Galway City, picketed a proposed official campsite in their area and forced the city to abandon work on it. A year later, a group of residents still angry because several Traveller families remained camped near the abandoned site armed themselves with sticks and attacked the families. They uprooted tents and physically pushed the Travellers and their belongings into the street. The incident gave rise to a new word in the national lexicon, rahoonery, meaning violently anti-Traveller sentiment and action.
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