So ſtrictly is the Specific Nature preſerv'd in the Individuals of the ſame kind, vvho all equally partake of it, and are ſo very reſembling and uniform in it, that they ſeem but as ſo many Self-ſames, ſo many Reproductions of one thing, like the Image of the ſame Face repeated by a Multiplying Glaſs. Thus for Inſtance, in Men, there is the ſame common Human Nature in all of them vvithout Intenſion or Remiſſion, the ſame Intellectual Frame, the ſame thinking Principle, the ſame rational Faculties, the ſame Radical Deſires and Inclinations, the ſame Natural Affections, the ſame Springs of Paſſion, &c.
The farmers ſervants who have families, and engage by the year, are called hinds, and receive 10 bolls oats, 2 bolls barley, and 1 boll peas, which two laſt articles are called hummel corn, […]
An ocean-going yachtsman must be competent at night navigation
Since the reign of Charlemagne, this country is divided into High and Low Germany: the firſt, towards the ſouth, comprehending the Palatinate of the Rhine, Franconia, Suabia, Bavaria, Bohemia, Moravia, Auſtria, Carinthia, Carniola, Stiria, Tyrol, the Swiſs, and the Griſons...