If Particular persons members of a Corporate Town were lyable to answer for the Kings Debt before the time of their Encorporation, probably they continue lyable after the encorporation. Their Charters would not alter their case in this respect.
“I have never yet known a case of a Dyak amoking.” So wrote Sir Charles Brooke (i. 55) thirty years ago. Ten years later Mr. G. Gueritz, Resident at Semanggang, wrote as follows: “I am exceedingly sorry to have to report a very serious case of amoking at Lingga. A Kalaka man named S’Apong on returning to his house the other evening, from fishing, drew his parang and cut down his wife, father-in-law and a child; the woman is desperately wounded.[…]” (S. G., No. 69.)
For instance, Philately is the most popular hobby of the world. Hence, introducing biophilately in the agenda of the concerned NGO will enhance its success in its aims. Spotting animals, birds, plants, insects, etc. on stamps may provide interested people with an efficient media of education […]
She likes blingish rings. So I got it for her, she didn't know that I got it for her. I was going to wait for the right time to give it to her.