strive to imitate and introduce Hungarian ways and the Hungarian language among them, and who, with all their might, endeavor to Hungarianize the whole Greek Catholic Russian people,
“The timbales are for providing accompaniment, backup for the group; and a good timbalero must have a strong left hand to play the tumbao and pailas or cascara,” he said, referring to different rhythmic patterns in a measure.
No. 1.—Members of the Royal Family of Great Britain and Ireland, and Relatives of the Royal Family. / Their Royal Highnesses The Prince and Princess of Wales. / Their Royal Highnesses Prince Edward and Prince Albert of Wales.
[…] Ps[alm] xlvi has three Selahs (vs. 3, 7, 11,) and likewise a repetition in vs. 7, 11, which, as we have already fully illustrated, Selah greatly intensifies. In Ps. xlix there are two Selahs (vs. 13, 15,) indicating the refrain, Hear this, all ye people; give ear, all ye inhabitants of the world: and, also, a repetition, (with some variation,) of the following words, Nevertheless man being in honor abideth not: he is like the beasts that perish. Vs. 12, 20.