On the negative side, a hunky was culturally schizophrenic, an inhabitant of crowded and ill-kept rooms and whose clothing was in poor taste, an alcoholic, intrinsically dull and stupid, an offspring of domineering parents, […]
Such growth would be fine if financialization really delivered on its promises—if financial firms made money by directing capital to its most productive uses, by developing innovative ways to spread and reduce risk.
For example (humor me here), suppose that the Sneetches networked all their computers and discovered that, although the Star-Bellied Sneetches' computers talked to each other frequently and the Plain-Bellied Sneetches' computers also talked to each other frequently, a Star-Bellied Sneetch computer rarely talked to a Plain-Bellied Sneetch computer. The Sneetches could use a bridge to partition the Sneetchnet into two networks: the Star-Bellied network and the Plain-Bellied network. The bridge would automatically learn which computers were on the Star-Bellied network and which were on the Plain-Bellied network, and forward messages from the Star-Bellied side to the Plain-Bellied side (and vice versa) only when necessary.
The glories of Mary held his soul captive : spikenard and myrrh and frankincense, symbolising the preciousness of God's gifts to her soul, rich garments, symbolising her royal lineage, her emblems, the lateflowering plant and lateblossoming tree, symbolising the agelong gradual growth of her cultus among men.