utility room; utility corridor
With this view, we immediately set about getting our water casks in readiness, and the next and two succeeding days, part of the crew were sent on shore to cut pine timber, and asist the carpenter in making it into yards and spars for the ship, while those on board were employed in refitting the rigging, repairing the sails, &c. when we proceeded to take in our wood and water as expeditiously as possible, during which time I kept myself busily employed in repairing the muskets, making knives, tomaxes, &c. and doing such iron work as was wanted for the ship.
As I finished rolling around in the mud to extinguish the burning shit on my body, I looked to my left and to my horror and astonishment, the explosion had tipped over the shit can and twenty-seven and a half gallons of burning shit was rolling right for the supply tent.
The Hackee is one of the liveliest and briskest of quadrupeds, and by reason of its quick and rapid movements, has not inaptly been compared to the wren.