The top and bottom portions of the machine are exactly alike and it may consequently be turned over and employed as an overcutter as well as an undercutter.
[M]ost often, milibloggers are not speaking out against the war effort.
Salempenta (Teius Teguexin).—This fine lizard is sometimes called the Safeguard, because it is supposed to give notice of the approach of the alligator, just as the African monitors are believed to warn travellers against the crocodile. … Like the iguana, the Salempenta affords very delicate food, which is thought to resemble the flesh of a very delicate young chicken. New comers are at first averse to eating a lizard of any description, but they very soon find out their mistake, and would even prefer an iguana or Salempenta cutlet to a chicken.
In Europe, through his clinical and forensic work, Gisli Gudjonsson noted that some individuals seemed to be more suggestible than others. This approach assumed that suggestibility is a trait and led to the development of a model of interrogative suggestibility (Gudjonsson & Clark, 1986).