Catalepſy is occaſioned by a Relaxation of the Fibers of the Emporium, which cannot receive the outward Impreſſions, whereby the Soul has its Senſations, and yet give a free Paſſage to the Animal Spirits into all the Parts, whither they may be conveyed independently upon the Will. The Relaxation of the Fibers of the Emporium is occaſioned by a thin Seroſity, which remains in the very Texture of the Fibers, to relax them without leſſening their Cavity, as it happens in the periodical Oedema’s, that are daily obſerved upon ſeveral Parts of the Skin.
I designate this duplicature of peritoneum as Gruber's fold, because so far as I am aware, Gruber was the first to describe it. It controls to some extent the mesosigmoid and sustains it .from prolapse especially keeping it out of the pelvis.
In the sublittoral sediments of the Chukchi Sea, planktonic neritic and panthalassic species predominate (mainly cold-water forms as well as wide-ranging taxa).
Macedon may justly be called to witness, who found more cities and sumptuosity in that little kingdom of Porus […] than in all his other travels and undertakings.