Which is (as “Izzy” pointed out a while back at some length indeed) to “craft” the thing, as they say nowadays: to put it through its dramaturgical paces, goose it along through serial/incremental complications to its climax and denouement, possibly enlightening but at least enter- taining you: “holding [your] attention,” says the dictionary, between your presumably more mattersome affairs.
Neither Menzies nor Fraser made any attempt to wield the imagery of the legend, and Gorton's larrikinism made him unfit to hold high office in the eyes of Liberal Party powerbrokers.
Some persons have been called, who have proved (it is true) that he was insufficient at that time, and could not pay more than 3 or 4,000l.; but the same witnesses give an account, that his ill circumstances were then known but to four or five persons of his acquaintance, and that by all other people, who had any knowledge of him at that time, he was looked upon to be very sufficient ; he had left off his business upon having raised an estate; he was of good reputation: he lived at Hackne in a house making a good appearance, with good furniture, and a great quanity of plate, till the last, till the time of his being put in prison, which was not till last year, that he surrendered himself in discharge of his bail.
Neither the inoculated leaves nor the uninoculated subsequent leaves of susceptible variety of Ambili showed symptoms when back inoculated with sap from Nigerian Local in case of PMV.