Now we have got to stand up on our hind legs and fight harder than ever for the right to govern our domestic affairs without outside interference.
I question if any man ever saw his absent friend more clearly than did Shakespeare his Falstaff, for instance, or Scott his Balfour of Burleigh. But does it, therefore, follow that either of these great writers would, when hungry, have summoned up before him a clearer picture of his approaching dinner, than does the equally hungry or very much hungrier boor? This I doubt; and on the same principle I doubt if the said boor would see his dinner more clearly than a wolf, bear, or tiger would theirs when in quest of it.
I commend the Milesian wench, who seeing Thales the Philosopher continually ammusing himselfe in the contemplation of heavens-wide-bounding vault, and ever holding his eyes aloft, laid something in his way to make him stumble[…].
After years of complaints from local residents about noise, violence and indecency, the City Council adopted a series of antirally laws last fall in the hope of driving away the 500,000 motorcyclists who roar into this coastal town of 24,000 people every May. Mayor John Rhodes has declared the rally officially and permanently canceled.