In Telugu some confusion has been introduced between the epicene sign of plurality 'ar-u', and the neuter 'lu.' … Thus the Telugu demonstrative pronoun 'vâr-u,' they (the plural of 'vâḍu,' he), corresponding to the Canarese 'avar-u,' exhibits the regular epicene plural; while 'magaḍu,' a husband (in Tamil 'magan'), takes for its plural not 'magaru,' but 'magalu;' …
In many ways this is like the bird (outside the system) and frog (inside the system) views used [8, 9] by Tegmark. In effect one has here a hierarchy of bird and frog views.
He is the prince who never grew up – a one-time playboy and son of the Hollywood star Grace Kelly and Prince Rainier of Monaco.
Mr. [Richard] Foreman has been the reigning philosopher vaudevillian of the New York avant-garde for three decades now, creating fractured dreamscapes in which life is the banana cream pie that keeps hitting you in the face. His starting point is that the world is unknowable, self is a question mark, and existence is one long chain of frustrations.