It contains about 2500 inhabitants, parations of alembroth salt, given by the old writers of is a marquisate, and has 13 parishes belonging to its district
The guinea hen, so nearly exsiccated a few days earlier, dangles limp once again, as wet as if it had been freshly slaughtered.
There is always a danger that a poet, in search after the infinitely ingenious, may lapse into amphigory, into sheer absurdity and triviality, which Cowper, in spite of his elegant lightness, does not always escape.
For libraries, the Internet is your collection, it's your reading room, it's your catalog, it's your interloan, it's your helpdesk, it's your opportunity to reclaim relevance. And I'm afraid to say, you're the pointy end of the digital redefinition of culture and heritage institutions and public services, because text is small and the first to go digital. E-books? Next are e-music, e-movies, e-ephemera, e-maps, e-paintings, e-sculpture, and who knows what else.