Such a 'planimal' could move itself over the ground only at a rate considerably slower than that of a terrestrial slug but if other plants could not move at all, this would be sufficient.
Mix a dessertful of syrup with a beaten egg and a full teacupful of milk.
Leaving the Jews, and their legends, therefore out of all question, philosophy may instruct us that, as nature not only produces different classes of animals, but also great varieties in each class, not only dogs, but forty or fifty kinds of dogs, which no mixture, elevation, decline, or any other cause, will ever fabricate; for no clime, art, or chance can give the size of the mastiff to the lap-dog, or the pointer's form or scent to the grewhound; so, by analogy and actual obfervation, we know that, so far from all nations being descended of one man, there are many races of men of quite different forms and attributes.
The only significant problem encountered is that pilots must be particularly cautious about underboosting the engines during the drops.