[…] and you'd keep wanting to leave and then you'd hatefuck Dwight and then when you got home he would e-mail you for years after and ask for naked pictures and you'd know he was an asshole.
It is hard because it is very difficult to convert our thinking from the physical to the spiritual; from time to aeviternal and more so to eternity.
Indeed, the turn of the twenty-first century has witnessed a tremendous increase in the scholarly attention paid to Late Modern English (or LModE), especially as far as its codification is concerned: over the last twenty years several volumes, articles and book chapters have appeared on this topic, such as[…]. […] Interestingly, the two decades in which studies in Late Modern English have expanded have also been the same in which the World Wide Web, invented 25 years ago, has become an ordinary tool for investigation and research.
... because when a man is a corporal its all head work you might say and a man ought to keep their mind on their job evenings as well as day times and I felt like I couldn't do that and be monking with French at the same time...