Pro. Then, as my gueſt, and thine owne acquiſition / Worthily purchas'd, take my daughter : But / If thou do'ſt breake her Virgin-knot, before / All ſanctimonious ceremonies may / With full and holy right, be miniſtred, / No ſweet aſperſion ſhall the heauens let fall / To make this contract grow; but barraine hate, / Sower-ey'd diſdaine, and diſcord ſhall beſtrew / The vnion of your bed, with weedes ſo loathly / That you ſhall hate it both : Therefore take heede, / As Hymens Lamps ſhall light you.
Two months later he issued his notorious non serviam, “A Soldier's Declaration.” He expected to be court-martialed for this, but his friend Robert Graves managed to arrange that he face a medical board instead.
In fact, Tucker's use of parallel motion and open fourths as a central motivic element particularly reminded me of Stravinsky's sacred music, especially the quieter sections of Symphony of Psalms and the Mass.
Which might mean shaping it, gelling it, snooting it, barn dooring it, and putting it on a stand or a clamp. Maybe taking the dome diffuser off. Perhaps zooming it. Oh my. And you thought you were just taking a picture.