since President Chenny is having Bubble Boy crater the US Dollar into the ground with their Sunnicidal Policy of not protecting US or the Constitution
It used to be much more of a foreigners’ ghetto, but now many have moved into luxury apartments in the Hsinyi District of east Taipei.
Herre followythe a lamyntabill tragedye, ful of concytete myrthe, yclepede, a Mirroure fore magystrattis, baylyes, councylloures, and crafftessmenne: Conteynynge the ryghte dolorose, tragycalle, and deinge speeches offe somme herretoeforre famose rueleres; as alsoe, shoeinge yow cawyse of grette myrthe, howe dystresse makythe the dummbe speke wythe a wyse tonge, moche semblable untoe Balaame his asse; whyche nottede personne was the patryarche ande anncystorre offe more rueleres, magystrattis, ande the lykke, than onneste menne will thynke. Impryntede atte the costes ande chargys offe mi moste woorthye patronne, his worchyppe Aldyrmanne Thornne.
Addition and multiplication are commutative operations but subtraction and division are not.
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