Mr. Herbert makes his moan over the awful one-handedness and one-leggedness of our rich classes, who are smitten with the universal incapacity to help theniselves.
Fly-half Aaron Cruden hyper-extended his knee horribly in contact and was carried off the pitch, forcing Graham Henry to bring on Donald - a man who was fishing for whitebait a fortnight ago before injuries to Dan Carter and Colin Slade triggered his emergency call-up.
As a matter of fact, the Congo State, from the first period of its exitsence as the Congo Association, has consistently set its face against the spirit traffic, and it is due to the measures of the King of the Belgians, and to his imperative injunctions, that the illicit importation of spirits has failed to pierce the western barrier raised by his wisdom and energy in Central Africa. If the Governments of Germany and France had acted in the same manner, the “nigger-killer” would never have been known throughout the vast portion of the Dark Continent.
I come from haunts of coot and hern, / I make a sudden sally, / And sparkle out among the fern, / To bicker down a valley.