It might be also, that attracted by that great void Vacuum ... all the ambients would be rarified, and particularly, the air.
And with ever more roads, houses, and retail parks in development, a statutory protected belt of chalklands, forests and valleys is exactly what the asphalted south-east needs.
But these scruples, if not too intricate, are of too extensive consideration for my present purpose, nor are they such as generally occur in common life; and though casuistical knowledge be useful in proper hands, yet it ought by no means to be carelessly exposed, since most will use it rather to lull than awaken their own consciences; and the threads of reasoning, on which truth is suspended, are frequently drawn to such subtility, that common eyes cannot perceive, and common sensibility cannot feel them. 18.
[…]commanded that part of his cavalery which was behind his foot, to charge the King's and the general's regiments in the flanck, just at the time when they were so warmly ingaged at push of pike with his men.