During the last two years in which I had been at school, my love for study had returned; but it was a vigorous, wakeful, undreamy love, stimulated by competition, and animated by the practical desire to excel.
a lewde curate,
A parson benyfyced
But nothynge well advysed.
The whole economy of this dance consists in turning round and round the room in a certain measured step ; and it is truly astonishing that this continued revolution does not set all their heads swimming like a top ; but I have been positively assured that it only occasions a gentle sensation which is marvellously agreeable.
Of course Gladys and Eleanor, having graced the last generation of heroines and being at present in their social prime, will be passed on to the next generation of shopgirls—— / Displacing Ella and Stella, interrupted Dick. / And Pearl and Jewel, , Gloria added cordially, and Earl and Elmer and Minnie. / And then I'll come along, remarked Dick, and picking up the obsolete name, Jewel, I'll attach it to some quaint and attractive character and it'll start its career all over again.