The epidemics in Liberia and Sierra Leone have approached subcriticality at some point during the epidemic; the epidemic in Guinea is ongoing with no evidence that it is subcritical.
The French have been having a great deal of trouble at Djibouti with a tribe of the interior, the Issas, who are vehemently opposed to the progress of the railway through their country. Throughout the first half of March, raids were incessant on parties in and about the town itself. A detachment of marines was sent out and restored peace, at all events for the moment. In the meantime fifty Hausas from the Ivory Coast are on their way to form a nucleus of a permanent garrison at Djibouti, and their sergeant is no less a person than Koulery the brother of Behanzin late King of Dahomey.
The bigwigs of the agency will make the presentation that will win your heart — and your business. But the smallwigs will do all the work.
Each shape affects how well F approximates a given approximand and how quickly an adaptive fuzzy system F approximates when learning tunes the parameters of Aⱼ.