Since justly Clients pay that Judge an awe,
Who Law’s lost Sense interprets and restores;
(Yet Judges are no more above the Law
Then Truchmen are above Ambassadors.)
The Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, Bombardiers, Fifers, Gunners, Private Men, and Boys of the Royal Marines belonging to Her Majesty's Ships or Vessels, whether entered on the Ship's Books as part of the complement, or borne as supernumeraries, except when borne for a passage for service on shore, shall be considered entitled to the same advantages as the rest of the Ship's Company.
Point (1) seems to imply that one may have a false judgement because of a mismatch between different criteria for truth. For example, my sensation is paired with a prolepsis of a horse, therefore I make an assertion that ‘there is a horse’, which upon further inspection may turn out to be a cow.
A great deal of confusion has arisen in the philosophy of the world by the consideration of the acts of the high sensating, conscious brain, the hemispheres, as the work of an extrasomatic, metaphysical entity.