Indeed, in our previous work, and in the work of other authors it has been revealed, that relatively low dose exposure (20–75 cGy) of fruit flies on immature preimaginal stages in some cases has long-term effects that lead to an increased life span and resistance to other stresses, such as hyperthermia.
Having passed across in sight of this place, the Santa Anna tacked and stood off, as though she were awaiting a pilot, but none appearing, southered her course as if about to proceed down the coast ; having, however, rounded a small island in the river's mouth, covered with lofty trees, which completely concealed their presence, they again anchored.
As to the Internetphobia from your shop owner, I wonder if it is a fear of losing business to Internet merchants? OTOH, it could be just an extension of the computerphobia many people have.
Deposits of the Caribou Hills glaciation only locally retain a distinct hummocky morainal form, with filled kettle depressions and subdued knobs. Along the mountain fronts the marginal deposits of this glaciation reach an average altitude of slightly more than 3,000 feet.