Hard by was a formidable race of savages inhabiting the gentle region watered by the Susquehanna, of whom the following mention is made by Master Hariot in his excellent history: – "The Susquesahanocks are a giantly people, strange in proportion, behaviour, and attire – …
After that Huon and the good Abbot had deuised together of diuers things, Huon wrote a Letter vnto his men being at Tournous, that they should come vnto him to the Abbey of Cluny, hee sent a Gentleman of the Abbey to fetch them, and when hée was come to Tournous, and had deliuered his Letters vnto Barnard, they made them readie, and trussed their Somers and departed from thence, and they road so longe, that they came in at the gates of the Abbey of Cluny, the same time Huon and the Abbot were leaning out at a window, the Abbot saw fiftéene Somers charged, and seauen Mules and Mulets, whereof he had great maruaile of whence they were, and said to Huon.
The Chicago Blackhawks . . . will have a slew of decisions to make and contracts to sign. . . . [T]eam captain Jonathan Toews and designated clutch artist Patrick Kane need extensions.
Attention, my loyal subjects. Due to the stress of princessing, my duties have become too overwhelming for a delicate flower such as myself. Therefore, I now present your new ruler, King Pete!