While I’ll continue Krogering until Aug. 14, when the Durham stores close, Kroger may have lost me as a customer when traveling and shopping outside of the Triangle and state.
Personally, I am very glad that I remained behind when the troops and so many of our citizens left, for though the living is rough and the climate is infernal, still by dint of the three voyages which I have made for amber to the Baltic, and the excellent prices which I obtained for it here, I shall soon be in a position to retire, and to spend my old age under my own fig tree, or even perhaps to buy a small villa at Baiae or Posuoli, where I could get a good sun-bath after the continued fogs of this accursed island.
A solution for fault tolerant quantum computation with arbitrary length is concatenated coding, where each qubit is encoded by a block of n sub-qubits, each sub-qubit being encoded by other n blocks of qubits, and so on […].
After this piece appeared, Garton Ash's liberal credentials seemed genuinely to be on the table, and in London that afternoon his hands visibly shook as he began with an admirable and apparently sincere row-back (an act that this book reconfirms).