I stayed home for a couple days and got blotto four times. I did the usual bad drunk routine; cried a lot, moaned about my life.
The good old Duke – no, the General, called me all trepidant to him, smiled, asked my age and service, liked the wire, and passed into the village.
Whereunto are required, not only true and faithfull ministers, but especallye, that the bokes of the holye Scripture be well and truely translated and printed also, both to take away all occasions of scismes and heresies, that by reason of impropre translation and false printe many times do rise amonge the simple and ignoraunt people, and also to stoppe the mouthes of the adversarie part, whych upon suche faultes, take a boldnesse to blaspheme and misreport this heavenly doctrine, nowe so plentifully set forth unto us, thorowe your Graces moste prudente and godlye carefulnesse.
For of course the blues do not really apply to the man but to that secondary consciousness with whose ever changing moods and moodlets we identify ourselves — with the entire loss of our proper human dignity.