The only valid objection I can see to slashfics with heterosexual characters is the same one I see to hetfics with established homosexual characters: that they run contrary to the intent of the original creator of the character.
By using the same classification system for all the dictionaries surveyed, it was possible to compare the lexical richness of each against the other.
We are prepared to substantiate our assertion, that two-thirds of the shoal that have of late rushed into our professional main, have been attracted by commissions and offices; have been called in fact to qualify themselves by standing for appointments, without cherishing a hope of maintaining themselves by practice, or even designing to make the attempt. Else why this inflood at a time when courts of quarter sessions are all but abolished, so far as the bar are profited thereby, bail practice annihilated, motions of course made by attorneys'-clerks at the Judges' Chambers, instead of by junior barristers at Westminster, […]
Composing speech and placing it in the mouth of a known living person, thereby inventing that person's ethos, is referred to as ethopoeia; the similar in the mouth of a dead person is eidolopeia; and when both the ethos and actual person are invented, it is known as prosopoiia