For, though it were a knowen corruption, and therefore ſhould haue beene auoyded; yet [Robert] Bellarmine in muſtering vp the Fathers authorities, for proofe of the reading, ipſa (the beſt ground of their Mariolatrie) brings in [John] Chryſoſtom in the rereward.
A dispute broke out between two Chinese Communist military leaders last February over the rehabilitation of Teng Hsiao-ping, according to intelligence sources.
The sources said a high ranking Communist military man in Foochow revealed recently that the quarrel developed between Hsu Shih-yu, “commander of the Canton military region,” and Chen Hsi-lien, “commander of the Peiping military region,” during a conference of politburo members.
The poems of 1920 deliberately and self-consciously seek to create an effect of unpersonality. The studied reticence of the poems in quatrains is opposed to the more confessional aspects of the monologue.
They heard the sound of hooves – big beasts, galloping fast. As the three highwaymen slowly struggled to sit up, one turned and screamed. Coming towards them out of the night were two huge, fierce, fire-breathing black dullaghans, ...