As previously mentioned, the horizontal stabilizer's jackscrew assembly includes an acme screw and nut, both of which have two threads. After the accident, severely worn and sheared remnants of the acme nut threads were recovered wrapped around the acme screw. The condition of the recovered acme nut thread remnants indicated that approximately 90 percent of the thread thickness had worn away before the remainder of the threads sheared off. In comparison, a jackscrew assembly with the maximum amount of wear permitted in service, as indicated by an end play measurement of 0.040 inch (that is, 0.030 to 0.037 inch of wear), would only have about 22 percent of the thread thickness worn away.
The ‘maidenhair’ in maidenhair moss, for instance, does not refer to the hair on the maiden's head.
For they both ſay and beleeue that this picture hath ſo great vertue, as alſo that of Padua, whereof I haue before ſpoken, that whenſoeuer it is carried abroad in a ſolemne proceſſion in the time of a great drougth, it will cauſe raine to deſcend from heauen either before it is brought backe into the Church, or very ſhortly after. […] I cannot be induced to attribute ſo much to the vertue of a picture, as the Venetians do, except I had ſeene ſome notable miracle wrought by the ſame. For it brought no drops at all with it: onely about two dayes after it rained (I muſt needes confeſſe) amaine. But I hope they are not ſo ſuperſtitious to aſcribe that to the vertue of the picture.
To those who do not know the school, records and names mean little. No records and no recitation of facts serves to explain the pride and enthusiasm which Dunelmians have for Durham. Nor is Dunelmian enthusiasm fully accounted for ...